You may have heard of sp. Sarawak, sp. Kalimantan, sp. Sabah and so many other Hoya named after the locality they were discovered. Did you know, these locations are all on the island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world? Known to have the most diverse flora, this vast island is home to 76 varying Hoya species that have been published since 2022... and more to be discovered! How does our knowledge of Borneo affect the way we grow our Hoya? What are other conservation notes we should take into consideration as Hoya collectors? Tune into this episode as we chat all things Borneo!
*Also, a special shout out to our listeners for making this topic suggestion! Thank you!!*
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Episode 23: Let's Talk About Borneo
Map of the divisions of Borneo
pc: courtesy of Google
Hoya's We Talked About!
Hoya rintzii from Borneo published by Rodda, Simonsson & Rahayu (2014)
Hoya becarrii published by Rodda & Simonsson (2013)
Hoya chewiorum published by Lamb, Gavrus, Emoi & Gokusing (2014)
Most recently published Hoya of Borneo by Michele Rodda and Sri Rahayu in 2022 can be found here.
A physical book on A Guide to Hoyas of Borneo by Anthony Lamb & Michele Rodda can be purchased here.
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